AT&T Mail Server Block

20150118 Update

PCSDesk received a notice from AT&T that the block has been lifted.  This morning the temporary gateway that was set up was deactivated and communications between our mail servers and AT&T were tested successfully.  PCSDesk would like to thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter while this situation was remedied.

20150115 Update

It’s been more than 72 hours since AT&T blocked the PCSDesk email server and have not responded to requests to lift this block, so to compensate PCSDesk has set up what is known as a “SMTP Gateway” which essentially skirts the problem and sends out email from a server that they aren’t blocking.

Please note that THIS IS A TEMPORARY MEASURE to allow a few of our users the ability to email and older accounts. Please notify your recipients that utilize these addresses that not only are you being blocked from communicating with them, but others senders may be blocked as well.

In the meantime we will continue to knock on AT&T’s door for a resolution to this problem, but as of this writing our users can now email and accounts without issue.

Please check back to this post often for updates and thank you for your continued business.

20140114 Update

It’s been over 48 hours and the AT&T / Bellsouth block is still in place. We are going through the proper procedures again, hoping that someone on their end picks up this request and removes the ban.  Please check back to this post often for updates and thank you for your continued business.

20140113 Update

On Monday it was discovered that many of our users attempting to email recipients that use free and accounts are being blocked by AT&T’s servers.  On Monday morning,  PCSDesk took steps to get AT&T to remove this block and according to their systems, all requests are to be responded to within 48 hours.

This 48 hour period concludes on Wednesday morning, January 14th. We are looking forward to AT&T remedying this situation at that time and will be monitoring their progress closely.   Please check back to this post often for updates and thank you for your continued business.